The Wood Pigeon

The Wood Pigeon causes Millions of Pounds of crop damage annually throughout the UK. This versatile bird will consume many of the crops which are grown throughought the year with modern farming techniques. The only real answer for controling the Wood Pigeon effectively is shooting.

We would generally undertake this by decoying the birds on an area or fields which is being particually targeted by the birds, however for areas in and around farm buildings adoption of other techniques can be employed.

Feral pigeons and some dove species are also controlled in a similar manner.

 The Rabbit.

The rabbit represents a huge agricultural pest species. Its adaptability is second to none and this enables them to make their home virtually anywhere there is enough food source to sustain them.

This incredible little creature can cause huge damage to farms, crops, Golf courses and gardens if left unchecked.

We offer many solutions of rabbit control which include trapping, netting, ferreting and shooting.

We will engage with you, to ensure the solution provided is the correct one for your needs.



 Rooks and Crows

Rooks, Crows, Magpies and Jays all belong to a family of birds called Corvids.

Rooks and Crows are the predominant species for crop damage to farmers, however they can also badly injure and kill newborn lambs and piglets if left unchecked.

Again we employ a number of techniques in combating these very intelegent and wiley birds, which include shooting and trapping.

Magpies and Jays are usualy trapped using a Larsen trap.